About Creative Camping
Technology Group

Our Mission is to provide campers and visitors with a campground facility that is family oriented, kid friendly, safe and well maintained. We welcome new comers, tourist; We are here to guide and provide you with the best camping sites in Canada.



"To provide tourism, cultural, and educational opportunities for residents of Canada and visitors through the presentation and interpretation of historic attractions and the development and operation of parks and campgrounds.

As a key economic driver in Canada, our company will focus efforts on new product development and program enhancements that will draw new and returning customers to the parks and campgrounds all over Canada."


"Tourism, recreation, heritage and cultural experiences in all over Canada are sustained, enjoyed and accessible today, tomorrow and for future generations."


"The purpose of the 'Creative Camping Technology Group' is to provide, preserve and advocate for our parks, our heritage assets and our environment through operations and partnerships that contribute to an exceptional customer experience and economic prosperity in all over Canada."